Visions of Chaos (Windows only Freeware)

Visions of Chaos ist eine Highend Windows Anwendung von Jason Rampe von Softology, um über die Mathematik in die verschiedenen Bereiche der Chaostheorien zu verdeutlichen, erfahren und zu erforschen. Unter anderem mehrere Fraktal Generatoren.

Visions of Chaos Screenshod Mode
Visions of Chaos Screenshod Mode


Es können nicht nur Fraktale erzeugt werden, Movie Generator, Video Feedback, Flüssigkeiten, Gravitation und ein Fractal Music Generator sind ebenso integriert, wie eine Masse an Open GLSL Beispielen (OpenGL Beispiele zum ausprobieren).

OpenGLSL Shader Beispiel
OpenGLSL Shader Beispiel


Visions of Chaos ist so konzipiert, das man durch herumspielen und Spaß am experimentieren zu klasse Bilder und Animationen gelangen kann.

Eine komplette Liste aller enthaltenen Komponenten, sowie weitere Screenshots und Beispiele sind auch hier nachzulesen.

Die verschiedene Inhalte die dieses Programm umfasst, sind nahezu unerschöpflich.


Visions Of Chaos GSLS Shader
Visions Of Chaos GSLS Shader


Program modes supported within Visions Of Chaos are;

2D Strange Attractors
3D Strange AttractorsCellular Automata
1D Cellular Automata
1D Totalistic Cellular Automata
2D Ant Automata
2D Cellular Automata
2D Cyclic Cellular Automata
3D Ant Automata
3D Cyclic Cellular Automata
3D Cellular Automata
Archean Cellular Automata
Cascade Cellular Automata
Coupled Cellular Automata
Digital Inkblot
Large Neighbourhood Totalistic Cellular Automata
Liquid Crystal Cellular Automata
Majority Rule Cellular Automata
Next Nearest Neighbour Cellular Automata
Nonlinear Voter Model
Self Replicating Loops
Tiled Cellular Automata
Traffic Cellular Automata
Yin Yang FireDiffusion-Limited Aggregation
2D Diffusion-Limited Aggregation
3D Diffusion-Limited Aggregation
Dendron Diffusion-Limited Aggregation
Vertical Diffusion-Limited AggregationFlocking
Latice Boltzmann Method Fluid Simulation
Multiphase Smoothed-Particle Hydrodynamics
Viscoeleastic FluidFractals
Circle Fractals
Complex Plane Fractals
Ducks Fractals
Escape Fractals
Fractal Planet
Julia Set Fractals
Halley Fractals
Householder Fractals
Lyapunov Fractals
Mandelbrot Set Fractals
Newton Fractals
Plasma Cloud Fractals
Schroder Fractals
Secant Fractals
Fractal Terrain
Thorn FractalsGenetics
Three Genetic Art modes
Genetic BugsGLSL Shaders
1185 sample OpenGL SL shadersGravity
2D Gravity
3D Gravity
Gravity Set
Light GravityHypercomplex Fractals
Mandelbulb and Juliabulb
Polynomial Mandelbulb and Juliabulb
Manowar Mandelbulb and Juliabulb
Phoenix Mandelbulb and Juliabulb
Ikenaga Mandelbulb and Juliabulb
Mandelbulb formulas have 59 variations each to create a total of 354 unique fractal types
Mandelbox and Juliabox
Kaleidoscopic IFS Fractals
Quaternion Julia SetsIteration/Recursion
Cube Divider
Flame Fractals
Iterated Function System
Recursive Lattice
Sierpinski TriangleLattice Gas Automata
Automatic Music Composer
Genetic Music Composer
Whitney Music Box

Magnetic Pendulum

2D Spirograph
3D Spirograph

Reaction Diffusion
Turing Reaction Diffusion
Meinhardt Reaction Diffusion
Gray-Scott Reaction Diffusion
Complex Ginzburg-Landau Reaction Diffusion
FitzHugh-Nagumo Reaction Diffusion
Multi-Scale Turing Patterns

Biham-Middleton-Levine Traffic Model
Forest Fire
Lorenz Waterwheel
Ripple Tank / Cymatics

Gravner-Griffeath Snowflakes
Reitner Snowflakes


Screenshots Visions of Chaos and Examples


Visions of Chaos Screenshod Mode
Visions of Chaos Screenshod Mode


Visions of Chaos 3D Mandelbulb Hybrid Settings Screenshot1
Visions of Chaos 3D Mandelbulb Hybrid Settings Screenshot1


Visions of Chaos 3D Mandelbulb Hybrid Settings Screenshot2
Visions of Chaos 3D Mandelbulb Hybrid Settings Screenshot2


Visions of Chaos 3D Mandelbulb Settings Screenshot
Visions of Chaos 3D Mandelbulb Settings Screenshot


GLSL Shader6
GLSL Shader6


GLSL Shader4
GLSL Shader4

Homepage Visions of Chaos

Visions of Chaos Gallery


Happy  Chaos Visions!!!

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